creating a tall living wall is easy when you know how

Creating A Tall Living Wall

Do you have high walls or fences in your exterior space that bring nothing to your garden?  Adding a vertical garden brings life, colour and texture to walls and fences that might otherwise feel like dead space.  Green walls are great if you want to introduce planting to vertical surfaces as well as on the ground.  However, if you have particularly high vertical surfaces to cover, you might think it would be difficult to add a plant wall to cover the whole surface.  Don’t worry – Rosewood can help.  Creating a tall living wall is easy with our system!

Will a tall living wall be stable?

At Rosewood we use the PlantBox system to create the underlying structure for our living walls.  This system uses stackable troughs.  These allow us to build a completely stable framework, whether it’s two troughs high or twenty.  This is then fixed to the wall (just as you might anchor a bookcase) to ensure that the vertical garden is totally secure.  We then do the planting, and our clients end up with a stunning living wall of plants instead of a bare surface.

How do you reach up there?

The higher the living wall, the more difficult it would be to attend to the watering or other requirements of the plants beyond a certain height.  That goes almost without saying.  The vertical garden in our pictures is as high as a two-storey house (it was installed using scaffolding), so you couldn’t reach the top.   However, you don’t need to worry about day-to-day care, because our walls come with fully automated irrigation built in.  This means you can just sit back and admire your living wall without needing to water it manually.

That said, the plants might need attention every now and then, so what do you do?  Rosewood offer a regular maintenance schedule: that way you’ll never need to reach the top!  As well as cutting back or replacing plants as necessary, we also check the PlantBox structure.  This involves examining the troughs and ensuring that the irrigation is working properly.  If you ask us to come by a couple of times a year we’ll make certain that your tall living wall continues to look amazing.  All without you having to lift a finger!