09 Jan Living Walls in Office Interiors
Today we want to share a great job we did in December. This was designing and installing a large living wall to go inside the new headquarters of Griggs Homes. Griggs, the long-established house builders, have a new head office in Borehamwood, and asked us to design a green wall for the main open-plan office area. Living walls in office interiors are really on trend right now, bringing benefits that aren’t just visual.
What are the benefits?
A vertical garden in the office looks amazing, and of course that’s a great starting point. Everyone would prefer to work in an attractive environment, wouldn’t they? Which means a green wall is going to tick all the boxes visually. But plants in the workplace also aid physical and mental wellbeing. In a living wall, there are a lot of plants, which means a huge improvement to wellbeing! So, how does this improvement come about? There are several factors. Living walls in office interiors clean the air of toxins, and subdue noise pollution. Not only that, they produce oxygen. This means that instead of suffering in a stuffy atmosphere, feeling tired (which leads to inactivity and inefficiency), workers feel more fresh and alert. Therefore it’s no surprise to find that studies have shown productivity is increased by having a plant wall.
This particular wall
It’s no wonder green walls are a big trend in office interior design now that their benefits are known. We think every office should have one! But we really enjoyed this particular project. This was partly because it involved a new building where the space had been planned specifically to include a living wall. Our design involved a vertical garden that needed to fit along a wall running alongside and behind the staircase. We had to fit the planting around two panels left for where a TV and a wall unit are going to be installed. As always, working to an unusual brief is no problem for Rosewood – our designer Calum loves a challenge!
So, if you think an interior living wall would suit your office (or your home), why not give Rosewood a call? Ring us on 01727 811448 and ask for Calum – he can answer any questions you might have.