plant photography by Karl Blossfeldt still looks amazing

Plant Photography for Garden-Lovers

It’s time for us to show you another piece of art for garden-lovers.  This year we’ve been sharing Karl Blossfeldt plant photography.  This month is no exception!  August’s choice is Blossfeldt’s close-up photograph of bare-stemmed common saw-wort. (The Latin name is serratula nudicaulis – you can read about the plant on the RHS website Bare-stemmed Saw-wort page).

The saw-worts are named because their leaves have serrated edges, like tiny saws.  In this photo there are no leaves. However, we can look closely at the flowers.  As always, Blossfeldt’s plant photography reveals lots of details that we wouldn’t normally notice.  This is especially true for wildflowers, which we might pass without really looking at them.   His homemade camera was able to zoom in so that he could magnify plants to thirty times their real size – something that had never been done before.

Blossfeldt took so many photos that only a small proportion of them have been published, but his books of plant photographs are still available today.  Take a look at some of the others on our blog – the first one was back in January: first Blossfeldt post

For garden-lovers, this artist’s work remains as captivating and informative as it was when it was first seen.